by ForOurRights_Admin | Apr 11, 2023
Filing a Tort Claim in Hawaii In the state of Hawaii citizens may file claims against the government for injury and loss of property resulting from governmental misconduct. There is a two year time limit starting from the date of the incident to file a claim. Within...
by ForOurRights_Admin | Oct 14, 2022
Filing Claims for Covid Misbehavior We the people can file legitimate complaints with state licensure boards reporting real harm caused by health providers. Doctors, nurses, and other health professionals are being reported to state licensure boards for actions such...
by ForOurRights_Admin | Aug 11, 2022
Refusing Masks & Tests in Hospitals Use the following Notice of Non-Consent To a Medical Intervention to exercise your rights under the AHA Patient’s Bill of Rights. You have a right to refuse any and all experimental EUA products and still receive medical...
by ForOurRights_Admin | Oct 24, 2021
Notice of Discrimination Use this Notice of Discrimination to educate businesses about federal laws that protect the religious rights of patrons and prevent discrimination and segregation. No executive order, mandate or mayoral rule can override already established...
by ForOurRights_Admin | Sep 8, 2021
For Constitutionally Compliant Businesses We want to educate and empower business owners to take a stand against illegal mandates. For Our Rights is ready to help with legal support for all those who do! The government does not have the authority to force a business...